♡ To practise self-love is to be empathetic and understanding of all our flaws whilst appreciating our best (ass)ets. You’ll already know that here at Project Me, we encourage practising self-love every single day. It’s easier said than done to stop just for a second and change your thoughts to more positive ones but our main motto is ‘if you wouldn’t say it to your best friend, don’t you dare say it to yourself..’ Yup, we’re leaving all those negative bla bla bla’s at the door. ♡

Here’s our take on 10 Daily Self-Love Tasks you can do to start being a little nicer to yourself.

1. Move Your Body - We love to go to the gym, some of us like to walk, run, box. Back in 2020 when the world was a little scary, I used to make up dance routines in my bedroom, not even tiktok dances, just pure imagination. For 10 minutes every day, I’d dance around my bedroom. I’m almost positive this helped me through the feeling of isolation. The endorphins were next level. Whatever it is you do today, just try and move your body just a little bit. We promise it’ll make you feel better!

2: Set Boundaries - Try and see these as your yes’s and no’s. What will you allow today and what doesn’t have the right to your energy or attention? Think about what you value, what you need and how in turn you will value that with a boundary. So if you value quality time with your bestie, your partner, your family, then you need to make sure there’s focused time and connection with them. You value this by scheduling an hour to just chat with them, catch up! If you’re feeling overwhelmed, honour your boundaries and set them appropriately. Say no to what you can’t achieve. Say no to looking after your neighbours cat if you’re swamped with work. Say no to extra hours at work if you’ve already chosen your health in going for a walk!

3: Drink your water!!! - This is a non-negotiable really… If you struggle, get yourself a cute AF water bottle (maybe even stick your project me stickers on it hehe.) Aim for 3-4L a day!

4: Get Creative - Infusing creativity into your daily routine is an imperative self care tool!! Journal, vision board, paint, sing, dance, take some photos of your favourite things, bake a deliciously scrummy cake, start up a DIY project (if you have ADHD like me, you’ve probably already got about 5 on the go..) Bring joy into every day with something creative.

5: Write A Gratitude List - Practicing gratitude is a powerful way to enhance your self-care routine. Grateful for breathing today? Grateful for your gym buddy stopping the bar from falling on you? Grateful for that free taster of choccie muffin you got at the train station? Write it all down. Shifting negative bias thoughts into positive ones is the trick to keep moving and grooving..

6: Write A Love Letter To Yourself - Here at Project Me HQ, we preach about loving yourself, every single day. Now listen, you don’t need to write a love letter to yourself every single day, as simply looking after yourself solidifies that love. Consider writing how much you love yourself and how grateful you are. Start it with ‘Dear Me, You’re a badass, Sincerely, Me.’

7: Reach Out - Reaching out to others as part of your self-care routine is an important part of maintaining your well-being. Connecting with friends and family can provide emotional support, reduce feelings of isolation, and contribute to your beautiful sense of belonging. Never suffer alone gang, take time to check-in with loved ones.

8: Forgive Yourself - Forgive yourself for staying in bed an extra hour, forgive yourself for not getting all of that water that I just told you to drink, drunk. Some days won’t go to plan but forgiveness is key you lovely people.

9: Be Mindful with Social Media - This one is huggggggeeeeeee! In a world where tiktok songs are embedded in our brains and we send 100 reels to our friends every single day, be mindful of how much time you’re spending on social media. If you suddenly notice 4 hours have passed, probably best to put your phone down and look the heck up!

10: Take Time to Fill Up Your Mug Of Positivi-tea - Imagine 2 Mugs of Positivi-tea. One is your own cup, one is someone else's. If you keep pouring into someone else's mug from your own then those beautiful naked ladies on your mug are going to start feeling pretty rubbish. Take time to fill up your own mug before filling up someone else’s.

Practicing self-love is essential for your well-being, mental health, and overall happiness, trust us. If you can do just a few things on this list today then you’ll feel better and warmer, we promise.

Loads of Love,

Project Me HQ xxx

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